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The 4th Batch of Venator Pad-Printed piece kits are NOW Available!
ALL-NEW Barge Sticker Replacement Kit Shipping Immediately
PRE-ORDER DELUXE DELTA SQUAD / Special 15% OFF Pre-Order Pricing!
ARC Trooper Collection RESTOCKED & Shipping NOW!

Holiday 2020 Orders (Delays & Shipping Estimates)


Hi Minifigs4u fans! 

First off, I want to say thank you to all of our customers for being so patient while we process & ship orders in this difficult time. 

We've been getting a considerable amount of emails regarding status of there pre-orders for figures, and rightfully so. Most minifigures were expected to ship at the end of October and into November. However, because of delays on our suppliers end, dates got pushed back further and further leading to where we are now. I can finally share news of when Pre-Ordered figures will ship. Sadly, it's not all good news. 

The Bad Batch Version 2 did ship to us on time and we've already processed orders that just had this product. We also had a numerous amount of figures on Pre-Order over the last few months, some of which will be fulfilled this week. Please see the following shipments dates:

Captain Rex (both versions) | Commander Bly | Commander Cody | Arc Trooper Fives | Geo Collection ship to customers December 17th 2020

Delta Squad | Galactic Marines | Arc Jesse | Prototype Echo | Kamino Trooper ship to customers on or before Early January 2021

Yes, as you can see not all of our Pre-Ordered figures will arrive before Christmas 2020. I completely understand your frustration if you have an order for one of the figures not arriving before Christmas, it's on our suppliers end where they just could not make deadlines due to extending circumstances. Pre-ordered figures that ship on the 17th should have there order arrive before Christmas (however, it's not guaranteed), I encourage our customers to keep an eye on your tracking number that was emailed to you. 

If you had an order that has a figure that ships Dec 17th and one that ships Jan 2021, it will be shipped in January. Please contact me if you need the earlier shipment date for the figure in your order that we have in stock. 

Lastly, we have printed shipping labels for Pre-Orders which is why an order is marked shipped on the website. We do this in order to anticipate fulfillment and speed up the process. So if you have an order that is shipped and the tracking shows "waiting to receive", the order has not yet been shipped. As expressed above, you will see the tracking information update very, very soon! Newly placed orders for items in stock will ship the next day. 

I'm so sorry to customers that will not be receiving orders before Christmas, it was never the plan to have them ship so late. I'm deeply sorry and offer my apologies. All customers who pre-ordered before December 1st 2020 will be receiving some free items in there orders as a token of appreciation for your patience. 

Please feel free to contact me via email for more questions or concerns: legomaster13@gmail.com