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The 4th Batch of Venator Pad-Printed piece kits are NOW Available!
ALL-NEW Barge Sticker Replacement Kit Shipping Immediately
PRE-ORDER DELUXE DELTA SQUAD / Special 15% OFF Pre-Order Pricing!
ARC Trooper Collection RESTOCKED & Shipping NOW!

Early Spring 2020 Restock!

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First off, we're shocked at how fast The Bad Batch is selling, we've almost sold out the figures before they've even shipped yet, what are great way to start the new year! We will be restocking The Bad Batch soon once this first wave sells out (the next batch will ship in April 2020). 

Great news! We've gotten plenty of emails about which figures you want restocked! Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Commander Wolffe, Arc Trooper Fives, Kamino Trooper, Commander Bly, and the 501st Clone Trooper have all been restocked for Pre-Order which are expected to ship at the end of March 2020.

Thanks for all the continued support! 

-David (Owner of Minifigs4u)